Just last week, Dr. Emily Plowman and her doctoral students Lauren Tabor, Raele Robison, and Jennifer Chapin attended the 16th Annual NEALS Conference in Clearwater, FL. NEALS is the Northeast Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Consortium, a resource for patients with motor neuron disorders and their caregivers, as well as researchers who study ALS. The NSSR side of the lab always prepares to discuss high-level science as it pertains to ALS, particularly in service to the patients who are affected. Lauren, Raele, and Jen all presented posters at this year’s consortium.

Raele’s poster was titled “Relationships Between Lingual Physiologic Reserve and Swallowing in ALS”, while Lauren presented “Airway Sensory Degradation in Individuals with ALS”. Jen’s poster was “ALSFRS-R Respiratory and Bulbar Subscales Do Not Differentiate Safe vs. Unsafe ALS Swallowers”.

Ashley Waito is a doctoral student under laboratory collaborator Dr. Catriona Steele; she attended NEALS and is front and center in the lab’s photo op. Ashley will be with the lab in Florida until December working on a collaborative project between Dr. Plowman and Dr. Steele.

Congratulations to all on successful posters, and for representing the NSSR and SSC! For those interested, more information about NEALS can be found through this link.